Soupologie Profiling: NEW 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric Soup

5 a day sweetcorn and carrot soup with turmeric by Soupologie

We are so excited to announce our NEW 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric Soup! This is a mellow yellow, slightly curried soup literally overflowing with vegetables!

All Soupologie soups are packed with vegetables but our 5 A Day range, in particular, has at least 400g of fruit + vegetables (80g of 5 different fruit/veg) per pot. This complies with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) 5 A Day guidelines. Consequently, just one single pot of our soup will give you ALL of your 5 A Day in one single soup! Available next Thursday at !

Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric SoupWe pride ourselves on being completely transparent with our customers, which is why we’ll be going through all the ingredients, vitamins, minerals and general nutrition of our BRAND NEW 5 A Day soup today!

Don’t forget, all of our Soupologie soups are on offer at Ocado with selected bread from Gradz Bakery, giving you 25% off for the month!

So, let’s dive into a pot of our NEW 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric!

What’s in our 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric Soup?

Every pot of 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric contains: Sweetcorn, Onions, Cauliflower, Carrots, Oranges, Garlic, Ground Turmeric, Curry Powder, Chives, Coconut Cream, Vegetable Stock + Water, Oil, Salt & Pepper.

In order to get your full 5 A Day, make sure to eat the whole pot of soup over the course of 1 day! As well as getting all of your 5 A Day, each pot will give you a mind-blowing: 135% Vitamin A; 23% Vitamin E; 130% Vitamin C; 47% Vitamin B1; 21% Vitamin B3; 30% Vitamin B6; 71% Folate; 33% Pantothenate; 48% Potassium; 28% Phosphorus; 20% Magnesium; 18% Iron; 22% Copper; 37% Manganese.

As always with all of our soups, our 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric is entirely plant-based, gluten & dairy-free. Also, our soups have no added sugars or anything artificial! The flavour is mellow from the sweetcorn, with a mild curried taste and a fruity sweetness from the oranges.

fresh fruit and veg

What are the benefits of 5 A Day?

The benefits of eating more fruit and vegetables are almost too many to mention! Just today, the World Cancer Research Fund estimated that around 40% of cancer cases could be avoided if people ‘stopped smoking, drank less alcohol, ate healthy foods, were active and maintained a healthy weight.’

Meanwhile, Caroline Cerny of Obesity Health Alliance, stated ‘Our environment is flooded with unhealthy food which can overwhelm families and make healthy eating extremely challenging.’ That’s why we created our 5 A Day range, to provide people with the easiest way to get your 5 A Day with no gimmicks or shortcuts.

Moreover, there is increasing research over the past decade, according to the Wall Street Journal, that suggests ‘a healthy diet – high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains…can prevent depression.’ While an unhealthy diet full of processed and refined foods can increase the risk of depression. Similarly, new studies show the potential for a healthy diet to ‘effectively treat’ depression once it has started.

The NHS writes that getting your 5 A Day means you get a great source of vitamins and minerals, an ‘excellent source of dietary fibre.’ Likewise, it can also ‘[help] reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.’

Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric Soup


Getting your 5 A Day is crucial to maintain a healthy diet. There is also the potential to reduce the risk of certain illnesses. That’s why we’ve created our range of 5 A Day soups! Getting your 5 A Day couldn’t be easier!

Processed food is all around us, so I can understand why it might be difficult. Some brands even claim to give you some of your 5 A Day while not actually adhering to the WHO guidelines. As a result, we want to be totally transparent with you by breaking down our ingredients. You can trust us when we say our soups give you all of your 5 A Day. We’re in line with the recommendation of the WHO and our soups are just  bursting with vitamins and minerals!

Our latest 5 A Day soup is a mellow yellow combination of sweetcorn, carrots, onions, cauliflower and oranges with a mild curry and turmeric flavour! It’s delicious, fruity and oh so creamy!

You can get your hands on our BRAND NEW 5 A Day Sweetcorn & Carrot with Turmeric next Thursday on as well as our other three flavours: 5 A Day Garden Pea with Leafy Spinach, 5 A Day Carrot & Butternut and 5 A Day Classic Tomato!

Check out our other profile on our Rescued Veg Soup with Wonky Carrots too!