Soupologie Profiling: 5 A Day Carrot & Butternut with a Hint of Chilli

5 a day soup graphic

Today we’ll be diving headfirst into a bowl of 5 A Day Soup! The orange hues and sweet fragrance of our Carrot & Butternut soup (with a hint of chilli!) captures all the earthy goodness that this soup has to offer in a perfect balance between sweet & spicy. Our 5 A Day Carrot & Butternut with a Hint of Chilli is one of our fruitier soups, so read on to find out exactly why it’s just so good for us!

5 A Day Carrot & ButternutWhat’s in a pot of our 5 A Day Carrot & Butternut soup?

The first thing you’ll notice when tucking into this soup is the fruity and slightly sweet fragrance. One spoonful will pleasantly remind you of the warming hint of chilli, coupled with the richness of the carrots and butternut.

5 a day carrot and butternut soup

We’ve specially crafted our 5 A Day Carrot & Butternut soup as part of our 5 a day range. One serving (600g) provides you with all 5 (!) of your 5 a day as recommended by the World Health Organization. Each pot contains: butternut squash, onions, red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, mangoes, water, rapeseed oil, lime, vegetable stock, red chilli, coriander, salt and black pepper.

So, mangoes are our mystery fruit! We’ll be covering the health benefits of this tropical fruit soon, but first, let’s breakdown the nutritional profile of this orange delight.

One 600g serving of this soup has:

  • 213% of your daily Vitamin A
  • 56% of your daily Vitamin E
  • 185% of your daily Vitamin C
  • 30% Vitamin B1
  • 15% Vitamin B3
  • 47% Vitamin B6
  • 67% Folate
  • 18% Pantothenate
  • 52% Potassium
  • 16% Phosphorus
  • 16% Magnesium
  • 15% Iron
  • 25% Copper
  • 26% Manganese

5 a day carrot and butternut soup with chunks of bread


All of this in just one meal – it reads like the back of a multivitamin bottle! As you can probably tell from the ingredients, we’re seriously passionate about achieving all of our vitamin/mineral needs through naturally nourishing food. The vitamins and minerals that this soup provides will leave you raring to go, allowing you to face the day head-on knowing you’re fueling your body with simple and natural goodness.

What’s so great about Mango?

Mango Hedgehog


Mangoes are particularly high in antioxidants – in fact, they have over 12! The most potent of them all, mangiferin, benefits our health tremendously. Research suggests that mangiferin might even help protect against certain cancers of the breast, brain, colon and lung.

Studies also highlight the anti-inflammatory properties of mangiferin – especially in heart cells – as well as its ability to help regulate blood sugar. Mangoes are a source of multiple B vitamins, folate, vitamin E and vitamin K, all of which greatly boost our immune system.

Mangoes are also particularly renowned for aiding digestive health. They are a fantastic source of dietary fibre and water, but it doesn’t stop there! Mangoes also contain potent digestive enzymes called amylases. These enzymes break down large food molecules, allowing for better digestion, which is why they’re commonly consumed after a rich meal. Interestingly, these enzymes are also responsible for sweetening the fruit because they are activated as the mangoes ripen.

What about the rest?

Roasted Butternut Squash

Butternut squash, the other earthy star of this soup, is surprisingly classified as a fruit, not a vegetable! Both the butternuts and carrots contribute to this soup’s vitamin wow factor!

On our nutritional breakdown, Vitamin A (56%) and Vitamin C (30%) rank quite highly. Butternut Squash, for instance, is crammed with vitamin A, C, E and B6.

Vitamin C helps our body to absorb iron, repair damaged tissues and cells, and fortify our immune systems. This powerful vitamin is also a great friend to our white blood cells (WBCs). WBCs are integral to fighting diseases and work at their best when we are meeting our daily vitamin C requirement. The NHS recommends that adults aged 19 to 64 need 40mg of vitamin C a day, and one serving of this soup certainly helps us work towards that goal.

5 a day carrot and butternut soup

5 A Day Carrot & Butternut Summary

If you’ve ever wanted to tuck into a sweet and vibrant mango, you know the struggle of having to try and cut into it without creating a mess! Luckily, we’ve done all the hard work in incorporating this tropical fruit in our velvety 5 a day Carrot & Butternut soup so you can reap all the benefits it has to offer!

We’re completely plant-based and free-from the 14 main allergens, with no added sugar too. Delicious and natural ingredients is the Soupologie way to help you grow your glow!

You can find this soup at WholeFoods, Waitrose, Ocado and as part of our 5 A Day Nutrition Boost Souper Box Bundle on our webstore

5 a day graphic for 5 a day carrot and butternut soup


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Until next time,

Soupologie HQ x