Landing the Right Side Up – A Mindful Lent

So it’s the day after Pancake day, you’ve had your fair share of pancake flipping, eating and experimenting with various wacky toppings! But now it’s the beginning of Lent, you’re bracing yourself for the inevitable water-cooler discussion on all the mind-boggling things the people around you are giving up for 40 days. 40 days?! So how do you land the right side up after such a day of indulgence and culinary delights?

In today’s blog post I want to share my thoughts on how I approach Lent – traditionally a period of sacrifice and self-discipline – in a mindful manner.

Many people give up meat, chocolate (sugary products in general), alcohol, carbs, coffee, takeaway meals and so on. Instead of giving up something you like, let’s talk about changing our mindsets! Try switching from negative luxuries to positive alternatives and actions. It’s not about completely cutting out the things that give you joy in life. Instead, let’s find a way to implement positive change. This could be trying something new or could be more reflective.

What could this look like?

Here are some productive actions you can take over the 40 days of Lent that can turn your mindset from negative to positive:

1. Stop criticising yourself.

Try giving your inner critic a rest for 40 days. Every time you become aware that you are criticising yourself, count from 1 to 10 (because while you’re counting you can’t be thinking) and reset. After the 40 days you might find that this becomes a long-term practice.

2. Stop caring about what others think of you.

Just try this really consciously for 40 days. The moment you realise that nobody cares as much as you think they do, is the moment you set yourself free.

3. Stop people-pleasing for 40 days.

Having empathy and compassion is great but not when it comes above looking after yourself, your wants and needs. Take a break from looking after others and try putting yourself first.

5. Stop gossiping for 40 days.

Having a natter over a nice cup of tea can be fun but sometimes it’s best to just focus on your own life rather than dissecting someone else’s. Kindness is key.

6. Find 40 things to tidy/clear out of your home and tick one thing off the list every day.

Whether it’s finally sorting through the clothes in the airing cupboard or taking those bags to the charity shop, make an effort to get your home in order and do those little tasks you’ve been putting off.

7. Practice gratitude for 40 days.

Sacrifice a little bit of time in bed to wake up a tiny bit earlier and write 3 things that you are grateful for that day. When you practice gratitude, you gain a better appreciation for life and start your day positively.

8. Sacrifice your hot showers for 40 days.

I know, I know…but hear me out. Cold showers are excellent for lowering stress, lowering chances of depression and improving hair and skin. Moreover, they promote emotional resilience. If you can withstand a 5 minute cold shower, you feel like you can take on anything. (Do take care with this and start slowly by lowering the heat over a few days rather than immediately going cold.)

9. To save money and improve health, sacrifice those takeaways and restaurants for home-cooked meals.

Plan out your recipes each week so you know what you’re making. Make sure you buy ingredients in advance and try home-cooking for 40 days. Not only will your cooking skills improve, so will your health and happiness as better nutrients will positively impact your mind and body.

Landing the right side up

I’d like to point out that you don’t have to be particularly religious, or even a Christian to undertake a mindful sacrifice over Lent. By taking baby steps to a goal we’d like to achieve, I think we’re less likely to get bogged down in negativity when we might slip up. This mindset would make getting back on track easier since we do not punish ourselves for failure, but rather, we recognise that these 40 days are a step towards something new.


N.B. If you are looking to improve your nutrients, our Soupologie soups are now on offer at Ocado. They are brimming with vegetables and bursting with flavour. Try our 5 A Day range to get your 5 A Day every day. Our soups also taste great when mixed with other dishes, such as pasta or as a curry sauce.